Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Cricket Companion For S60v5th

IPL4 is coming Up. The year 2011featured two of the world’s most prestigious cricketing events happeningtogether for the first time – the world cup that ended 2 days ago and theIndian premier league (IPL4) is coming up. To keep up with all the action wouldbecome increasingly difficult.
Cricket Companion is a mobile cricket applicationwhich is a treat for cricket lovers who want to follow live matches during IPL4but do not find time to do so. With Cricket Companion you can keep yourselfupdated with the latest scores, news and statistics of IPL4 with detailedscorecards and graphs display. An ideal app for people on the go to keep themupdated with the happenings in the IPL4.
Awarded best cricket app on many forums, this isone app cricket lovers must have on their mobile. The app comes with a lot ofinformation including previous world cup statistics, player performances, worldcup winning teams and best players of the previous world cups. Download to yourmobile phone and ‘Never Miss the Action during IPL4’
Current Matches
CricketCompanion covers all international cricket matches aswell as domestic cricket played in India. The Current Matches Screen displaysthe list of matches that are currently latest. User can stay on the screen toget latest cricket scores for all the matches shown or the user can choose toget the latest scorecard for a particular cricket match. The latest scorecardscreen not only displays the latest scoreboard but also contains some veryuseful options in 'Menu' from where the user can see the full scorecard, completesquads information, Statistical Graphs for each innings, latest commentaryview, useful match information such as toss, umpires etc., Match Highlightsview that provides a commentary view of all important happenings during thematch along with the facility for the users to send the latest match scores totheir friends.
Recent Matches
The Recent matches screen lists all recently played cricketmatches along with their full scorecard and result. The user can get scores forup to 10 recently played cricket matches along with match highlights and otheruseful information like toss, umpires, ground etc. The Recent Matches listscreen displays the recently played matches along with their results. User canchoose to select a certain match and get detailed scores for the match shownwith details of each innings. On selecting the 'Menu' option the user can viewthe match highlights which give them a commentary based view of all theimportant happenings in the match so that they understand how events unfoldedduring the match. This helps the user get a grip on the recent happenings inthe cricket world and ensures that they do not miss any action from the cricketfield.
The schedule option not only lists the upcoming cricketmatches in a series wise view but also facilitates the user by settingreminders for their favorite matches on their mobile phone. This makesCricketCompanion an ideal replacement for sms based cricket alerts on mobile.The schedule screen also contains a 'Date wise' option that displays theupcoming cricket matches in a cricket calendar format listing them date wise.This helps the users get complete tournament schedule for major crickettournaments such as the world cup, world twenty 20 cup, Champions trophy andthe Indian Premier League more commonly known as the IPL. Apart from thisschedules for all international test series, ODI series and tri nationtournaments are also available for cricket enthusiasts. Overall the schedulessection serves as a one stop solution for all cricket fixtures.
The Results screen shows the results of the latest seriesfinished or being played. This is the screen where the users can get results ofall the matches of a particular tournament in progress and in case of majortournaments like the world cup, IPL etc., the points table that plays a crucialrole is also displayed here. Just like the recent matches screen, clicking onany match displays the full scorecard for that match along with importantoptions such as match highlights and match information residing in the 'Menu'.The results screen keeps the user in touch with their favorite tournament orseries as the user gets an overview of what has happened in the tournament uptill now and gets a bird's eye view of the standings by looking at the pointstable.
The news section has been added to the latest version ofCricketCompanion to keep the user up to date with the latest cricket news fromaround the world. Cricket fans around the world have a special connection withthe game and they want to keep that connection alive by keeping themselves upto date with the latest happenings in the cricket world. The news feature inCricketCompanion has been specially designed to keep the user informedregarding all major events. The news section provides news related totournaments, results of each matches, news on player injuries, fines etc. aswell as it covers different announcements by the ICC and all internationalcricket boards. The news is written in a style especially suited to readers whoare interested in cricket news on mobile.
Cricket Genius
Cricket Genius is an easy to play cricket game that tests aperson's cricket intellect. The game is based around guessing outcomes ofcricket matches as well as guessing best player in each innings. Points areawarded for the right guess and total points calculated for each player aredisplayed on the Leader board. The game is in its first season right now and weare witnessing very enthusiastic participation from the users. The plan is toconclude the first season and the top ten ranked players would be awardedprizes by the Crick Zenga team. The topper would be given the title 'CricketGenius' announced on the CricketCompanion website. To participate you simplyneed to download the CricketCompanion application and before each match andduring each innings the cricket genius questions pop up so that you can answerand win prizes.


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