Sunday, 14 August 2011

AFTrack 1.3.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.signed.Cracked

Use AFTrack as an interface for your GPS dongle to open up the world of hiking, biking, sailing, geocaching and more on your Nokia smartphone. The program handles tracking with smart and fixed logging features and routing. It can send reports via HTTP or SMS. It can receive SMS positioning messages and can display them as waypoints. It can also export and import waypoints. 


# Six views for GPS data - position, go to, track summary, map, altitude profile, satellite 

# Degree or UTM format 

# Tracking the actual path of travel 

# Export tracks (PCX) 

# Export tracks (IGC) with sercrity record 

# Import JPG, GIF or BMP as map 

# Calibrate maps 

# Automatic calibration (from different files) 

# Import routes from routes or tracks (PCX) 

# Make route from a track 

# Reverse routes 

# Waypoint group to organize the waypoints 

# Save current position as waypoint 

# GoTo a waypoint 

# Import waypoints (PCX, Geocache LOC and GPX) 

# Using extra text files for waypoint description (e.g. details of a geocache, groundspeak:long_description is supported) 

# Export waypoints (PCX) 

# Using extra text files for waypoint description (e.g. details of a geocache) 

# Alarm on reached POIs 

# HTTP position sending 

# SMS position sending 

# SMS position receiving 

# Reset GPS from SIRF to NMEA 

# Automatic reconnection if GPS connection lost 

# Filter the altitude value with a Kalman filter 

Update Information 

Last updated on 07.09.07 

# Quick search via keyboard letters on E61 

# Compass problem remedied on E61, E70, N95 

# KML export improved, start and end point added, coordinates problem remedied 

# Quick 'Display Waypoint' in waypoint menu 

# Main directory unified ?:/Data/Others/AFTrack 

# Copy a waypoint group to a route 

# Selectable position display (small, big, sailing) 




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