Sunday, 14 August 2011

Anderson NDesk ( Build 340 S60v5^1^3 FULL UNsigned

New features of 2.6:

1. Fixing the bug that some icons are too big.

2. Supporting icons' background in skins so that all the icons are the same size.

3. Improve the data recording module. The data is not easily lost and more stable. You could kill N-Desk with a third party app safely.

4. Enable repetion sliding. You could slide your screen from left side to right side directly.

5. Improve the accuracy of sliding to prevent N-Desk from moving to the opposite direction. 

6. Optimize the speed for symbian^3 phones that has a faster CPU. The sliding is much more smooth on Symbian^3 phones in this version. If you have a symbian^3 phone, you could enjoy a super smooth experience by using N-Desk!

7. Fixing the bug that the text color can not be recorded when using skin.

8. Optimize the default organization of the icons. Adding office foler by default.

9. Supporting insertion of icon when moving icons out of tool bar.

10. Fixing the bug that when the font is changed, the date on lock screen can not be displayed correctly.

11. Improving the folder saving method by converting unicode to hex ascii code to reduce the possibility of failure of restoring data.

12. Improving the backup function by cleaning the old data before backing up so that no trash files is generated by restoring.

13. Adding Sensor repeat function. You could define the times to approach the sensor for lock/unlock.

14. Adding Volume of the slide locker sound.

15. Supporting the toolbar in landscape mode. The toolbar could be shown or hidden by sliding up or down in landscape mode.

16. Fixing the bug that when you slide, you might open an app by accident.

17. Reducing the package size of N-Desk.

18. Changing the skins

19. Changing the uids of 2.6. The symbian has changed the signing strategy, so the uids have to be changed. The 2.6 can not be installed over 2.5, after install 2.6, you could uninstall 2.5 yourself.


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